Frequently asked questions

How do I log in?

Logging into is done via a "Magic Link" that is emailed to you.

  • - Click on the Login button on at the top right. 
  • - Input your email. Make sure you use the same email address you registered when you purchased your php[tek]  Virtual Streaming Package. 
  • - After you input your address click "Send my Magic Link". 
  • - You should receive and email with a special URL you can use to log in.

If you don't see an email, make sure you check your SPAM folder.

How do I sign up for an account?

An account will be created for you when you purchase a  in-person ticket or a virtual pass to php[tek].

Who do I get in touch with if I am having issues with the stream?

We are sorry if you are having issues with the stream. Please contact us at

What do I get access to?

When you purchase either a in-person ticket or a virtual pass to php[tek] you get access to that year's stream during the conference and access to the recordings after the conference. You also get access to the library of all previously recorded conferences hosted on 

With so much great content, how do I choose?

Torn between two presentations happening at the same time? Fear not, with a virtual pass, you get access to the live streams during the event AND access to the full recordings once they are available after the event.

Thanks to our php[tek] 2025 sponsors!
PHP Architect