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Domain-driven Design in PHP
Speaker: Andrew Cassell
Domain-driven Design in PHP

Level: Intermediate (some prior knowledge necessary)
Length: Tutorial (3 hours)

Building PHP applications using Domain-driven design techniques results in code that is easier to modify, maintain, test, and makes for a better user experience. In this hands-on tutorial you will become versed in the best practices for solving problems in PHP from start to finish. YOU WILL LEARN TO: - Discover a ubiquitous language and identify changes in the design of PHP classes, methods, and problem solving - Assemble an incorruptible domain model in PHP by encapsulating business logic in immutable value objects, specifications, and entities - Employ best practices for persisting and accessing entities and aggregate roots - Use advanced PHP object-oriented techniques to simplify code and reduce state complexity - Plan for change by using the Hexagonal Architecture Pattern - Introduce DDD to a “legacy” codebase - Discover recommended resources for learning more about applying DDD in PHP

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PHP Architect