Level: Intermediate (some prior knowledge necessary)
Length: Standard (50 minutes)
The PHP community has long debated the best solution for database interactions. Using an ORM with Active Record or the Data Mapper Pattern is a common solution, but each comes with nuances. Come learn all about another practical approach by using the Repository Pattern for a clean solution to this common problem. Dive into using a supporting cast of Services, Entities, Value Objects, and more to find an alternative to the data persistence problem. Discuss technical pros and cons as implementation strategies are explored.
JoindIn: https://joind.in/event/phptek-2024/rocking-the-repository-pattern
View Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SS4HejAsO0SFVbeX-KacMwOzDBqUFr4i/view?usp=sharing